Melaka, once renowned for its cultural heritage and historical uniqueness, now finds itself caught in the throes of rapid modernization. The charm of the old town is slowly but surely being replaced by a sea of souvenir shops, fast-food joints, and selfie enthusiasts more interested in capturing Instagram-worthy moments than understanding the city’s profound history.
Tourists now flock to Melaka primarily for its culinary delights and as a backdrop for their social media escapades. The very essence of the city, the layers of history and culture embedded in its streets, often goes unnoticed amid the cacophony of chatter and camera clicks.
I do feel happy for the city remains as a major attraction. Still I hope there can be a delicate balance between preserving heritage and embracing the future. As development brings economic growth, it also dilutes the authentic character of a place that has weathered centuries of change.
I share these pictures on less noticed subjects and corners of the city. I hope to tell that Melaka is not just a backdrop for selfies but there are interesting things to observe. Let us appreciate this unique and beautiful heritage amid the relentless march of modernity.